
the most difficult question of all questions...

have you ever come across the most difficult question?

solving a math question? nope... not difficult at all... (there is always the answer to it at the back of the workbook you know!!!)
i m talking about seriously the hardest, most difficult question of all!!:

*sound effects*

seriously very hard right!!!
not the question alone, but all the factors revolving around that question which have to be taken into consideration

(i) damn tasty, damn delicious restaurant
(ii) damn cheap food
(iii) damn near place
(iv) ambience man!! very important too!!
(v) located in a busy place so that after food, we can go walk walk
(vi) non fattening... THE MOST IMPORTANT

how to answer that question? how to solve it?
i told you it is hard.

now THAT is ....the most difficult question of them all... of THEM ALL!!!

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