
Bad day turned out good??

Posing at a dear tender age... *sniffs* Auntie has taught you well!!

Started my Awal mu-haram early, with sleepy eyes and lazy feet. BUT!!! what to do... had to go to work. What a nice way to spend my holidays. and guess what?? i have to go to work tomorrow too!!

nicole.... DEEE~~P bREATH~~

WORK IS FUN!!! not when.....

BIGGGG BOSSSSS:"nicole!!! did you do cash up yesterday? why short RM 90??"
ME:"AIyah... dunno??"
BIGGGG BOSSSSS:"WHat do you mean dunno !@#@#$%^&^%$#@!$@%"
(Okay, i exaggerated a bit... well... maybe a lot... ALRIGHT IT'S ONLY THE ENDING PART!!)

RM 90 means RM 30 added to RM 112.2 of $$ missing from last time. my pay...!!!~~~ flew away... JUST LIKE THAT!!!! i will not let it fly away without a cry!! WAAAA~~~~


lucky the BIGGGG BOSSSSS found out the mistake and i get to save RM 30 to myself!!! muax to me!!! muax muax muax XOXO

Hence, title for today is Bad day turned out good!!!

That's not the point actually. after work, went home party!! cuz'ns, nieces, aunts, uncs came!! took some pics with nieces... AND I KENA GOTCHA~~!!!! no no no. JJ & RUDY did not call me. i kena from a 3.5 year old girl!! MALUNYA~
KARA:"look!! moon~~!"

That is the naughty little girl up front who GOTCHA-ED me!!


my comment: LAME punya GOTCHA> but i fell for it.AIKS......

Pose, and take pic by yourself... awwww... Learn well, young Anakin
LAughed a lot that night. had fun. THerefore, a bad day which turned out good. in a odd kinda way.



Do not judge a book by its cover

You know what? i'm, so in love with plain white tees' 'hate(but i really don't like you)'. seriously man.. if you wanna write songs about love and romance, whhhyyy not hatred?? i mean, its a feeling, and its common... and... well, WHY NOT WRITE ABOUT HATRED?

Since its my first posting on thizz blog, and its what i feel and what i experience in life, i won't be talking about how everything goes your way and how happy life is.. cause LIFE ISN'T A BED OF ROSES (for those who for the very first time are experiencing anger-ness and frustrations in life). HEY!! your first step into the world began with pain of a smack in your bum-bums!!

I'm not saying that there is no room for love and happiness in this world full of wars and sadness. You have to be realistic to life. That is what i'm trying to talk about. Let happiness and love be the "posssumm poszzzibilities" of 2008!! Gambateh! aja-aja hwighting! jia you!